Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What's Been Going On

Hey gang! Remember me?

   I blogged off and on for about four years (though more off than on in recent times. I think my last post was in summer of 2016) over at My Nickname in High School back before I changed the name to reflect my etsy shop, Blind Cat Vintage.  I had gotten very busy and started a new job within the same company that I was at which I blogged about here.  For all the relief and elation at getting out of a customer service job, the reality of working in the new location only took about two months to set in, particularly after I was moved into a different department than I was initially put into. I hated it. Hated it more than I've ever hated a job before, and that's saying quite a bit.  Being isolated both physically and inter-personally really took its toll. My anxiety and depression had reverted back to how bad they were when I was in high school. You know, back when I had mapped out the school security guard's route and time schedule so I could leave campus before lunch without getting caught because I just couldn't stand to be there any longer! Yeah, it was that bad.

   After a lot of thinking and stressing and worrying and missing huge amounts of work dealing with horrendous anxiety migraines, I finally had to start getting real with what I really wanted out of a job. I've worked exclusively in retail for all of my working life, and it's pretty much a drag... but there are aspects of it that I enjoy. I really love working with gift items, doing merchandising, organizing- the creative aspects of a retail job.  Basically, what I was doing in store when I worked for the gifts location of the bookstore, minus working the register.  I realized that my "dream job", if you can call it that, would be to expand my vintage shop space into a full time job- or at least as much of a full time job as that can be.  Running my space over the past year has been very fulfilling and joyful for me. The only problem is it doesn't come with a steady stream of income or any of the other benefits of a full time job like health insurance security. My dream plan would be to find a part time job that pays well and offers benefits (yeah right), that would allow me to devote more time to getting my business off the ground and expand to more of an online presence.

   After reaching my near breaking point with my job, I started applying like crazy to basically anywhere I could, just to get out of the environment I was in. I interviewed for several jobs to no avail, until I stumbled upon what would basically be the "unicorn" job. Doing gift merchandising part time, being paid almost $3 an hour more than I currently make, plus full benefits.

   Well gang, I was able to not make an idiot of myself, mention weasels or any other long rodents and got that job!  I am in the process of juggling finishing my "two weeks" at the old place and doing orientation and training for the new place, all while ramping up my time spent on my side business. I'm hoping to get back into blogging at this address and focus on both my new business ventures as well as just writing about stuff I like. I realized while working at my current location how important it is to stay connected to friends and people, especially when you don't have a job with built in companions, like when I worked at the gift store, and I'm hoping that getting back into blogging will help me do that.

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